Fruit Trees

How to Keep Ants Away from Your Fruit Trees

207 Views  Ants can be a common issue for gardeners in Damascus, Maryland. While ants may seem like harmless insects, they can lead to bigger problems. Ants can invite aphids and other pests that can harm your trees. These tiny insects are attracted to the sweet sap produced by your trees and may start to […]

Dangers of Rats and Mice

What Are the Dangers of Rats and Mice in Your Home?

379 Views How would you feel if a stray animal entered your home and then tried to make it their own? Now imagine said stray animal was living in the sewers or the local container beforehand. Oh, and it was extremely hungry, and constantly felt the need to gnaw at things. Especially, at night.  Now […]

pest control services

Buzz Off: The Necessity of the Wasp and Bee Treatment in Brisbane

495 ViewsBrisbane is another city where the warm and rather tropical climate, together with the availability of vegetation, makes it possible for various pests to infest the region, such as wasps and bees. Although these insects are beneficial in many ways, they are seriously considered potential threats to commercial and residential premises, structures, and crops. […]

Pest Control

Why Effective Termite Control Is Important For Your Home

947 ViewsSome people go their entire lives without encountering termite problems in their homes. However, it only takes one of them to start a whole army and ruin your property. Termites are among the most challenging pests to deal with in Texas. The most difficult part about them is identification. They are often confused with […]

Pest Control

Everything You Need to Know About Mosquito Control and Bite Prevention

946 ViewsMosquitoes are the unwanted party guests of the summer, with their constant buzzing, itching welts, and disease-carrying potential. But do not let these small terrors ruin your backyard barbecues and evening picnics. With a little know-how and effective countermeasures, you can recover your outdoor oasis and send the mosquitos packing. Consult a Ferguson Pest […]