What Are the Dangers of Rats and Mice in Your Home?


Dangers of Rats and Mice

How would you feel if a stray animal entered your home and then tried to make it their own? Now imagine said stray animal was living in the sewers or the local container beforehand. Oh, and it was extremely hungry, and constantly felt the need to gnaw at things. Especially, at night. 

Now imagine where that mouth (and sharp teeth) have been and the unlikely yet completely plausible scenario where they try to bite you.

Even if you were somehow fairly unimpressed by the visual allegory, by now, you will immediately think of the dangers of having rats and mice in the house. Great, because we’ll explore all those risks in detail below.

Health Risks

Even if the pesky rodents don’t bite you, the risks are high. Worse, they get higher and higher the longer they’ve been on your property. The list of diseases they spread is huge, but even a few mentions should make your skin crawl.

Here’s just a quick sample:


  • Leptospirosis;
  • Hantavirus;
  • Salmonellosis;
  • Rat-bite fever;
  • The plague;
  • Various parasites.

Don’t just assume it’s their access to your food that will infect you. They spread diseases through their droppings and urine, as well as their saliva.

And if there’s easy access to food, them salivating pretty much is going to be the least of your problems. Worse off, they’d try to establish themselves inside your home and begin to multiply.

The health complications range from mild and severe. Kids and the elderly, as well as people with weakened immune systems will have it the worst. In some cases, even perfectly healthy individuals can face life-threatening consequences.

Hence, why rodent control is important.

Property Damage

To make matters worse, rodents will surprise you with how much damage they can cause. Their constantly growing teeth need to chew on things. Whether that be your floor, cupboards, or even electrical wires, that doesn’t matter to them. 

In the case of the latter, that’s extremely dangerous, however, as it can cause fires. 

Moreover, at least a fifth of all such cases of emergency are caused by rats or mice. Now, imagine if you’re not there to stop the fire from spreading on time. In any case, rodent infestations are dangerous.

Furthermore, you will need to spend money on costly repairs or renovations. The wiser bet would be to schedule rodent inspections regularly and call rat and mouse control services wherever you notice a problem. 

It’s much wiser to make your home rodent-proof and keep a vigilant eye than to be defenceless and keep your fingers crossed, hoping for the best. 

Rodent-proofing begins with locating all possible entries and then sealing them with sealants rodents can’t chew through. That covers the entries and makes your home fortified. 

You will also need to pay attention to the exterior of your home, removing all things that attract rodents. Those are all eliminating all the possible cover spots, high bushes, especially around your home, and even the way you store your trash.

Contamination of Food and Water

As we mentioned above, rodents will chew through almost anything. This will often provide them with food, as food packaging and storage containers are but a nuisance for them. They’ll chew through them and feast. 

Meanwhile, they’ll also leave behind droppings and urine there. And that’s how your food supplies become contaminated and useless.

If you consume them, whether knowingly or unknowingly, you’re only at the mercy of chance. Those health risks we highlighted above? That’s one of the ways how you contract them. Even if you’re extremely lucky, you will not get away so easily. You can expect at least to experience the effects of food poisoning. You’re also likely to contract a few gastrointestinal illnesses.

How do you prevent that? First off, don’t consume any food that’s been out there in the open. Check the places where you store your food for rodent signs. Yes, that includes every single item you keep in the pantry. Throw away anything that’s been open or exhibits bite marks and other obvious signs.

Your food needs to be inside tightly sealed in glass or metal containers. That’s the only way you can be sure it’s not contaminated. In this case, believe us, it’s much better to be safe than sorry.

Allergens and Asthma Triggers

This one might surprise you. However, rats and mice will contribute to indoor air pollutants. That’s through shedding dander and hair. 

The results of this is that certain respiratory conditions shall exacerbate. This means asthma and allergies, precisely, especially in people who are sensitive or allergic to rodents.

Naturally, this means two things. Getting rid of the rat or mice infestation as soon as possible. And keeping a thorough cleaning schedule regularly. 

Psychological Impact

First, rodents are gross. We know that full well. It’s never pleasant to see pests of any kind of pest invading your home and your privacy too.

Besides all the health risks and potential property damage, seeing rats and mice scurrying around will have its psychological toll. It can result in fear or anxiety, especially if you hear things like squealing or scurrying around at night.

You can experience feelings of violation or unease, and these things aren’t nice. Especially in what’s otherwise called the comfort of your home.

Furthermore, it can deprive you of normal sleep, and we all know what happens when we don’t get those 6-7 hours. Thus, rodent control becomes the most important action in order for you to regain the sanctity of your abode and return to normalcy.


So, we’ve exhausted the list, it seems. By now, you shouldn’t wonder what the dangers are anymore as we’ve described them in detail.

If you’re dealing with a rodent infestation as we speak, we recommend quick action. Find a local pest control company and let them deal with the issue for maximum results. The faster, the better, and we’ve already explained why in detail. 

The dangers must not be underestimated here. We wish you a quick resolution with your rodent problem, as well as hope you’ll take action to rodent-proof your home, so you won’t deal with this issue ever again.

Post Author: admin

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